

Vice President Rodríguez: Venezuela joins the call for an end to colonialism in Puerto Rico

Caribbean Regional Seminar of the United Nations Special Policy and Decolonization Committee
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 14/05/2024 10:22 AM

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in the voice of Executive Vice President, Delcy Rodríguez, joined the call for the cessation of colonialism in Puerto Rico.

From the Military Circle, where the Caribbean Regional Seminar of the United Nations Special Policy and Decolonization Committee took place, he assured that Puerto Rico “has the right to independence, to self-determination.”

In that regard, he added that the Bolivarian nation joins the defense of the Malvinas Islands, “it must not remain on this continent, there must be no vestiges of colonialism in the world”.

Rodríguez indicated that Venezuela is a country that comes from historical roots of struggle, “but it is also marked in our permanent struggle for independence and self-determination.”

“In our continent, in the veins of Venezuelans and Venezuelans, anti-colonialist blood is flowing, so being able to participate in this seminar is an honor, but it is also a reference and vindicates our historical roots.”

He specified that the “international community, the United Nations community must complete this vital task that goes to the depths of the dignity of Peoples and to make definitively valid the principle of self-determination of Peoples, the right to political, economic and social self-determination; the destiny is for Peoples to decide and not what is imposed through hegemonic processes or through powers, hegemonic, colonialists and neocolonialists”.

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