

Vice President Rodríguez: The blockade on Venezuela must end!

Caribbean Regional Seminar of the United Nations Special Policy and Decolonization Committee
Vice-Presidency photo

Published at: 14/05/2024 10:53 AM

“The blockade on Venezuela must cease, because it is a right of Venezuelans to free self-determination,” this was the call of the Executive Vice President of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez, during her speech at the Caribbean Regional Seminar of the United Nations Committee on Special Policy and Decolonization.

In this regard, he highlighted Venezuela's work to overcome the sanctions and blockade that they have applied against it, so much so that it has managed to reach a growth projection that exceeds countries in the region.

On the other hand, he stressed that these countries that apply these new forms of neocolonization, such as Unilateral Coercive Measures, have media power or the power of Hollywood, which seeks to distort history and tell it in its own way.

He referred to the case of the United States, which between 1915 and 2024 had only a production of almost 25,000 films. “The main film producers in terms of box office box office are mainly American; and an example of cultural neocolonialism, the winner of the Second World War, we all know the loss of life of the Soviet Union to defeat fascism (...) in 1945 the French considered that the Soviets were decisive for the defeat, 57% thought so, but by 2015 that percentage was summarized as 23%, it is the power of communication,” he said.

He stressed that today this power is also manifested through new forms such as social networks, “which trick reality in favor of hegemonic interests”.

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