

Vice President Rodríguez responds to Dominican Abinader's refusal about debt to Venezuela: Pay now!

Get up to the law and PAY to Venezuela without delay,” he insisted
Vice Venezuela

Published at: 11/09/2024 07:40 PM

After Dominican President Luis Abinader's ignorance of his country's debt to Venezuela for the sale of oil, the Vice President of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez, reminded him of the exact amount and demanded that he pay and pay now.

“I'm not going to lose a single comma in the amount of your country's DEBT to Venezuela: 350,212,925.48 million dollars,” he said in a message published on his Telegram channel where he noted that the self-giving behavior demonstrated by the Dominican president to the United States “absolutely erases that debt.”

“Get by right and PAY Venezuela without delay,” he insisted while regretting the behavior of the Dominican president.

“All their tantrums blur the identity of the Dominican people, our people's great brother,” he said.

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