

Vice President Rodríguez: President Maduro and the people's efforts are lifting the economy

Commercial activity shows a significant increase in the country

Published at: 16/07/2024 09:38 PM

The Executive Vice President of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez, said that the achievements achieved by the Economic Recovery, Growth and Prosperity Program are largely the product of national unity to face challenges, which allowed the diversification of the economy and productive engines.

“It's not a miracle, the Democratic Party's Economic Recovery Program. @NicolasMaduro and the collective effort of our people is lifting up our economy. Now the good thing is coming, this #28J let's vote for prosperity and peace!” , wrote the Minister for Finance of the Bolivarian Government in her account on her personal account on the social network X.

In a video that accompanies the message, he highlighted economic growth in a context marked by economic war and unilateral sanctions, however, the government of Nicolás Maduro undertook a recovery strategy based on the union of efforts between the State, the productive sectors and the organized people, which allowed 19,584 commercial stores to open doors in 2023.

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