

Vice President Rodríguez: It's an international shame that they insist on subjecting Peoples to sanctions!

Caribbean Regional Seminar of the United Nations Special Policy and Decolonization Committee
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 14/05/2024 10:08 AM

This Tuesday, May 14, the Executive Vice President of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez, described it as an international shame that in the 21st century there are countries that “intend to subdue the free peoples of the world through mechanisms of economic sanctions and economic blackmail.”

In this regard, during the Caribbean Regional Seminar of the United Nations Special Policy and Decolonization Committee, Rodríguez referred to the case of Venezuela, to which nearly a thousand Unilateral Coercive Measures (MCU) have been applied.

“In the impact that the blockade has had on Venezuela, in five years the losses represent 232 billion dollars in Venezuela's Domestic Product (GDP) (...) and the global impact has been 642 billion dollars on its gross domestic product and on the economy in general,” he explained, referring to the fact that this is a sign of the "magnitude of the economic aggression that was committed against Venezuela”.

He reaffirmed that what has been applied here is “a set of tortures to the economic body of Venezuela, a set of tortures to the general population without any kind of distinction”.

For this reason, he vindicated Venezuela's position in rejection of these neoforms of colonization. “They must definitely end, they must get out of the way of countries that seek development under conditions of equality (...) based on respect for international law and multilateralism,” he said.

At the same time, he highlighted the work and effort of the People of Venezuela to overcome all attacks, sanctions and blockades on “the economy, their social life, their political life; and they maintain growth projections that even exceed countries in our region and we can talk about macroeconomic balance like we haven't seen in 10 or 12 years.”

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