

Vice President Rodríguez inaugurated Casa de los Abuelos in La Pastora

Delcy Rodríguez, Executive Vice President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Published at: 27/01/2024 01:18 PM

The Executive Vice President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, inaugurated a “Divine Shepherdess” Grandparents' House.

In this sense, the objective of these works that are being carried out is to provide comprehensive care for adults and older adults in the country.

“A satisfaction that in these spaces our older adults have given for us, that we guarantee them happiness and tranquility,” said Rodríguez from the parish of La Pastora in Caracas.

He indicated that by orders of President Nicolás Maduro, Casas de los Abuelos will be activated throughout the national territory.

For her part, the mayor of Caracas, Carmen Meléndez, highlighted the emotion of the adults and older adults of this parish who now enjoy this space for their well-being. “Let me not be a grandfather or grandmother without this space,” he said.

“This beautiful house has all the spaces for grandparents, from general medicine, dining room, library, sewing room, hairdresser, barber shop and a multipurpose room for different training areas, among others,” he explained.

Melendez said that this is the fourth Grandparents' House to be inaugurated in Caracas “and we are going to all 22 parishes, so we thank our president Nicolás Maduro and our vice-president Delcy Rodríguez for all their support so that we can all guarantee the happiness possible to our older adults.”

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