

Vice President Rodríguez: If the elites governed Venezuela, the people would be forgotten

Vice President of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez
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Published at: 02/02/2024 01:02 PM

The Vice President of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez, asserted this Friday that if today in Venezuela “elites with surnames were governing, the Venezuelan people would be in absolute oblivion, because their only real desire, and that is why it is their nature to be stateless, would be to follow Washington's orders.

In this regard, he emphasized to young people that during the Fourth Republic, in the puntofijist era, boys and girls “could not express themselves, when politics were criminalized in a rude, bastard, vulgar and really criminal way, that they could not exercise their right (...) to access education”.

In addition, he told them that “they would have to do with their own eyes what this political class is really capable of doing, because they are very ambitious people for power, but not to think about the food mission, about the mission bases (...) but to give the riches of this country to their masters, to their owners, because they don't take a step without first calling to give them the orders”.

In this way, he stressed that with the arrival of Commander Hugo Chávez and the Bolivarian Revolution, the right to education was guaranteed, as well as all social rights were vindicated for the People of Venezuela.

He stressed that if we had to summarize in one word what the Bolivarian Revolution is, in these 25 years, it would be inclusion. “That in the face of the worst difficulties we have had to suffer, as a result of the economic blockade, the People know that we all accompany each other, we know their suffering and we do not leave them alone,” he said and always reiterated the support of President Nicolás Maduro.

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