

Vice President Rodríguez: I studied law to seek justice with my dad's case

Seventh installment of the Maduro Podcast
Courtesy Presidential Press

Published at: 07/02/2024 04:10 PM

This Wednesday, February 7, the Executive Vice President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez spoke with the Head of State, Nicolás Maduro, in a new episode of the Maduro Podcast. During his words, he said that he “studied law to seek justice with his father's case”.

“I was born and attended my entire elementary school in Caracas. I studied from first to third year in Barquisimeto, a city where the family moved because Jorge (brother) was going to study medicine at the University of Los Andes (ULA) and that way we would be closer, but after three years we returned to the capital,” said Vice President Rodríguez.

He said that when he returned to Caracas and graduated from high school, he began university studies. “Among my options were mathematics and computing, because all the teachers said that I was good at that but I made the decision and chose by right,” she said.

Vice President Rodríguez explained that while she was studying at university, she began to work to learn more about the nature of the profession. “Our promotion was called Hugo Chávez Frías, because we came from the 27F day and that's how we honored the Commander,” he said.

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