

Vice President Rodríguez highlights increase in public purchases from domestic private industry

Delcy Rodríguez, Executive Vice President of the Bolivarian Republic

Published at: 07/06/2024 07:18 PM

The Executive Vice President of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez, during her participation in the Council for Productive Economy held in the state of Anzóátegui, highlighted the increase in public purchases by the Bolivarian Government as well as the selective tariff protection.

“These are novel methods for a Venezuela that reinvents itself in the midst of a criminal blockade that does not distinguish between them and the other in the country, but it is the first step in uniting all of Venezuela around the rejection of the unilateral measures of imperialism,” said the Head of State.

The Finance Minister highlighted the application of measures within a new economic model in which public purchases and selective import protection are designed not to affect the domestic industry.

“We are going to advance a technological platform for effective support and protection that in recent years has increased from 3.3 to 9.90 and that we must continue to increase that rate,” Rodríguez Gómez said.

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