

Vice President Rodríguez greets the Chinese people for the Spring Festival of the Year of the Dragon

Spring Festival of the Year of the Dragon
Photo @delcyrodriguezv

Published at: 10/02/2024 06:34 PM

Through the social network X, the Vice President of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez, extended her greetings to the President of China, Xi Jinping, and his people regarding the Spring Festival of the Year of the Dragon.

“We extend warm congratulations to Fr. Xi Jinping and his government, as well as the courageous Chinese people for the Spring Festival of the Year of the Dragon,” he wrote on the social network this Saturday.

He also reaffirmed that the ties of cooperation and friendship between Venezuela and China will continue to be strengthened. “For the sake of a world of peace and common development,” he said.

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