

Vice President Remigio Ceballos inspects Happy and Safe Carnival 2024 Device

Sectorial Vice President for Citizen Security and Peace, AJ. Remigio Ceballos Ichaso
Photo: MPPRIJP Press

Published at: 12/02/2024 11:59 AM

Last Sunday, February 11, the sector vice president for Public Security and Peace, AJ. Remigio Ceballos Ichaso overflew different parts of the territory to oversee the development of the Happy and Safe Carnival Device 2024.

“Following instructions from the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, we are going through a great deployment to protect, defend and serve our people, we guarantee the full enjoyment of the rights of all Venezuelan women, with co-responsibility and Comprehensive Prevention for Life and Peace!” , he indicated through the social network X.

He also reiterated that “the Venezuelan people are guaranteed Happy and Safe Carnivals 2024, with the deployment, throughout the territory, of security forces so that they can enjoy mountains, rivers, beaches and parks with peace of mind and joy. Our country is to be lived and loved.”

In addition, he stressed that the men and women of the citizen security system, through the Great Peace Quadrants Mission, are active on land, air and sea, patrolling 24 hours a day to ensure maximum prevention for life and peace during these days of carnestolendo's vacation.