Vice President Delcy Rodríguez inspects production systems in Cuenca de Occidente

He inspected the facilities of the Ana María Campos Petrochemical Complex and the Bajo Grande Thermoelectric Plant to optimize processes He inspected the facilities of the Ana María Campos Petrochemical Complex and the Bajo Grande Thermoelectric Plant to optimize processes
He inspected the facilities of the Ana María Campos Petrochemical Complex and the Bajo Grande Thermoelectric Plant to optimize processes

Con El Mazo Dando 11 años

Published at: 21/12/2024 09:27 PM

The Executive Vice President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, took a tour of the Western Basin in the state of Zulia this Saturday, to review its infrastructure and the capacities of its production systems.

Through his Telegram channel, Rodríguez said that, in addition, he inspected “the facilities of the Ana María Campos Petrochemical Complex and the Bajo Grande Thermoelectric Plant to optimize processes.”

During the visit, the senior official of the Bolivarian Government, on behalf of President Nicolás Maduro, wished Merry Christmas to the workers in the hydrocarbon industry, and thanked “their mystique of work and commitment against those who intend to attack and harm this strategic sector”.

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