Vice President Delcy Rodríguez inaugurates Nephrological Center with + Health in Caracas

Inauguration of the Nephrological Center with + Health in Caracas Inauguration of the Nephrological Center with + Health in Caracas
Inauguration of the Nephrological Center with + Health in Caracas
Vice-Presidency Press

Con El Mazo Dando 11 años

Published at: 14/03/2024 01:58 PM

The Executive Vice President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, inaugurated this Thursday the Nephrological Center with + Health, located in the parish of La Candelaria in Caracas.

After touring the spaces, Rodríguez pointed out that 300 renal patients will be treated monthly in this health facility, with 50 best-in-line machines , guaranteed to serve the 7,500 renal patients we have in the country.”

He indicated that it is a very important work, noting that, according to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), “Venezuela is among the top 10 countries in our region with the lowest mortality rate from kidney diseases and this is a great effort by President Nicolás Maduro, these advances that are being made to have new dialysis centers in the country.”

Accompanied by the Minister of Health, Magaly Gutiérrez, and the mayor of Caracas, Carmen Meléndez, the Vice President said that these facilities were used as a deposit for Social Security cleaning products, but “today it is an important Nephrology Center to treat 300 patients a month here in the heart of Caracas, in the parish of La Candelaria”.

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