

Venezuelan delegation visits Shenzhen Science and Technology Park in China

They took a tour to learn about the experiences of scientific and industrial development of space
Photo: X @Gabrielasjr

Published at: 29/04/2024 12:05 PM

A delegation from Venezuela, led by the Minister of People's Power for Science and Technology, Gabriela Jiménez Ramírez, visited the Nanshan Science and Technology Park, located in Shenzhen, China on Monday.

Through her account on the social network X, Minister Jiménez pointed out that they took a tour to learn about the experiences of scientific and industrial development of space, stressing that Shenzhen is “a city that in the last 30 years has managed to transform itself from a small fishing village to an international technology-financial city, with extensive capacities for creation, being the second city of innovation in the world and the first in China”.

He pointed out that “Technology Parks are spaces to accelerate productive scientific links with the industrial sector. Thanks to the China-Venezuela alliance, we are making progress in consolidating a system that unites the generation of knowledge, with the design and production of local solutions for our people.”

The minister was accompanied by the governor of the state of La Guaira, José Alejandro Terán, who is participating in the shared development project in the Special Economic Zone (ZEE) between the Venezuelan coastal entity and Shenzhen, with the purpose of promoting innovation plans for the benefit of both countries.

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