

Venezuelan authorities and personalities from around the world celebrate 25 years of the Bolivarian Revolution

The Bolivarian Revolution has always guaranteed the protection of the People

Published at: 02/02/2024 01:43 PM

On February 2, the 25th anniversary of the historic moment in which Commander Hugo Chávez was sworn in for the first time as president of Venezuela, beginning the Bolivarian Revolution, governmental authorities and political and intellectual personalities from around the world celebrated such an important event and highlighted the achievements of the socialist process.

Through social networks, they expressed their solidarity with the Government of President Nicolás Maduro and recalled the greatness of Commander Chávez, who was the driving force behind this process of transformations to solve people's problems, forgotten for more than 40 years by the governments of the fourth Republic.

“25 years of the Bolivarian Revolution! This process, which has transformed many aspects of Venezuela's institutional life, has managed to evolve three fundamental areas: our democracy, the role of our country in the world and the FANB (Bolivarian National Armed Forces),” said General in Chief Vladimir Padrino López, sectoral vice-president of Political Sovereignty, Security and Peace.

For her part, the Minister of Popular Power for Science and Technology, Gabriela Jiménez, pointed out that, “25 years after that important historic date, the people, under the direction of President Nicolás Maduro, continue to promote the path towards the vindication and dignity of all Venezuelans, as part of the legacy of inclusion, sovereignty and revolution left by Commander Chávez.”

The deputy to the National Assembly, Tania Díaz, stressed that after “25 years of work, perseverance and victory”, the Bolivarian Government is moving “towards 2030 with the certainty that - as Hugo Chávez said - we are on the path of life, of socialism, of humanity”.

The world hails the Bolivarian Revolution

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yván Gil shared on his X account the emotional message of congratulations sent by the Prime Minister of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Ralph Gonsalves, who praised Chávez's leadership and the importance of the socialist process in the region.

Meanwhile, the Venezuelan Diplomatic Mission in Cuba celebrated 25 Years of the Bolivarian Revolution with a political and cultural activity, at the House of Friendship, chaired by Ambassador Orlando Maneiro and accompanied by Abel Prieto, director of the House of the Americas.

“On behalf of @PartidoPCC, we confirm our unwavering solidarity with the Bolivarian Revolution, which today celebrates its 25th anniversary, and is firmly defended by its people under the leadership of President Nicolás Maduro,” said Roberto Morales Ojeda, Member of the Political Bureau and Secretary of Organization of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba.

Here are some of the messages posted on the social network X:

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