

Venezuela repudiates infamous accusations published by Clarín media outlet

Statement from the Embassy of Venezuela in Argentina

Published at: 10/02/2024 10:14 AM

Through a statement published on the social network X, the Embassy of Venezuela in Argentina categorically repudiated and rejected the publication dated February 9 of this year by the media outlet El Clarín “in which, in an irresponsible and shameless way, they refer to an alleged illegality, by a diplomat of this Mission, at Ezeiza International Airport, where the Venezuelan plane owned by the company is located Transporte Cargo del Sur (EMTRASUR), illegally kidnapped, since June 8, 2022, in Argentine territory”.

In this regard, the statement states that the information presented by the Argentine media is false with intentions of manipulating public opinion.

“Incite hatred and criminalize the dignified role played by Bolivarian diplomats, who are guided by Diplomacy of Peace, Non-Interference and Self-Determination of Peoples, jeopardizing their physical and moral integrity and violating the norms of international law that protect duly accredited diplomats,” he said.

The Venezuelan embassy in the South American country asserted that the Diplomatic Mission reiterates its absolute rejection of this shameful publication, which lacks all credibility and requires a public apology.

Below is the full statement:

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