

Venezuela rejects Zionist aggression against Palestine at International Seminar

The event will take place over two days, this 13th and 14th of June

Published at: 13/06/2024 10:47 PM

This Thursday, June 13, the International Seminar “A New Holocaust in the 21st Century” began in Caracas, Zionism threatens the world, which is intended to be a space to expose the horror experienced in the Gaza Strip, which to date has claimed the lives of nearly 40,000 people.

The presentations are held at the headquarters of the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies “Rómulo Gallegos” (CELARG) and will take place over two days, this June 13 and 14, according to the Radio del Sur website.

The president of CELARG, Pedro Calzadilla, welcomed the event, stressing the importance of the seminar in the current context and the need to join forces to combat the injustices that are being committed in the world.

He stressed that the seminar is being held in Bolivarian, free and sovereign Venezuela, which is preparing to soon ratify the historic project that it decided, in a sovereign way, to promote in 1999.

“This year we (CELARG) are 50 years old and this activity serves to reopen the space that was paused due to refurbishments,” he said, while stressing that this event is the result of a joint effort with the Bolivarian University of Venezuela (UBV).

Calzadilla shared an excerpt from a statement issued by a sister institution to CELARG, such as the Casa de las Américas, a cultural center led by Abel Prieto, where they recently pointed out: “A new ghost is sweeping the world: that of the rise of the extreme right and the rise of a fascism that we thought was banished to history books.”

“Backed by the ballot box, like almost a century ago, they are not hidden to show their most shameless side. The most openly criminal one is left for Gaza, where the world is once again witnessing a genocide that has, right now, the complicity or cowardice of a large part of the West,” he said.

He said that rejecting what is happening in Gaza, “putting it on the table as a matter that concerns us all and that should not be alien to us, is the purpose of a meeting like this International Seminar.”

For this reason, Calzadilla also emphasized the great purpose of CELARG, “to add to the combined forces. We have a strategic purpose. This is a place that works and works for the great causes of humanity. Therefore, Palestine is here in us, and this event is no stranger to that struggle.”

The coordinator of the event, Sergio Rodríguez, also stressed that this event seeks not only to make visible what is happening in Palestine, but also forms part of the policy of defense and recognition of the cause of the Palestinian people.

For his part, the Palestinian ambassador to Venezuela, Fadi Alzaben, thanked CELARG and the Bolivarian University of Venezuela for supporting the Palestinian cause. “This fills us with strength and strengthens us. This Seminar confirms not only our concern but also our action,” he said.

Alzaben stressed that the war that began on October 7 already accounts for nearly 40,000 people dead; more than 1.9 million people have been displaced as a result of this latest Israeli action.

He also reported that more than 15,000 children have been killed and more than 17,000 infants have lost one of their parents.

In addition, the Minister of People's Power for University Education and rector of the UBV, Sandra Oblitas, denounced the genocide that is currently affecting Palestine. “It's impossible not to feel pain in the face of so much pain (...) the attempt to exterminate a people and its culture,” he lamented.

He argued that this Seminar is the demonstration that dialogue, reflection and analysis of the Palestinian cause have the support of the Venezuelan and Bolivarian people.

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