

Venezuela rejects U.S. defense of criminals linked to coup acts

The statement was published by the Venezuelan Foreign Minister, Yván Gil

Published at: 23/03/2024 08:14 PM

The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, through an official statement, categorically rejects the statement issued by the spokesperson of the United States Department of State in defense of criminal operators linked to big names and who intend to turn assassins, terrorists and coup plotters into victims.

The letter was published on social network X by the Minister of People's Power for Foreign Affairs Yván Gil and reads as follows:

The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela categorically rejects the statement issued by the spokesperson of the United States Department of State in defense of criminal operators who, responding to American interests and the opposition sector linked to big names, have sought to create a new environment of political violence in the country in the face of the upcoming electoral process of July 28, 2024.

Between 2023 and 2024 alone, the Venezuelan authorities have effectively defused no less than 7 conspiracies aimed at attacking military installations, carrying out attempts on the lives of the top leadership of the Bolivarian Revolution, generating violence in political activities and disturbing national peace.

The State Department's defense of these criminal actors seeks to turn hit men, terrorists and coup plotters into victims.

The People and Government of Venezuela reject this practice of presenting those responsible for these acts as political persecuted, while the U.S. government, cynically, continues to persecute the entire Venezuelan people with the imposition of its criminal sanctions and protection of the violent of the Venezuelan extreme right.

The Bolivarian Government will continue to act to guarantee the free conduct of the electoral process and to defend peace, stability, economic recovery and the social welfare of the Venezuelan family. No conspiracy or aggression by the enemies of the Fatherland can stop the Venezuelan people's march into the future.

Caracas, March 23, 2024

Mazo News Team