

Venezuela rejects list that qualifies Cuba as a sponsor of terrorism

This decision “constitutes a hostile act and a flagrant violation of international law,” the letter states

Published at: 30/05/2024 11:10 PM

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela expresses its deepest rejection of the list that qualifies Cuba as a sponsor of terrorism by the government of the United States of America.

The proposal is made by the Bolivarian Government, through a statement issued this Thursday, May 30, published by the Foreign Minister of the Republic, Yván Gil, on his account of the social network X.

It points out that “this decision, devoid of any foundation and based on spurious political criteria, constitutes a hostile act and a flagrant violation of international law”.

“The inclusion of Cuba in this list responds only to the political interests of the U.S. administration, committed to maintaining the economic, commercial and financial blockade against Cuba and to suffocate the Cuban people,” the statement reads.

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