

Venezuela rejects Guyana's statement against the Organic Law for the Defense of Guiana Essequiba

Venezuela confirms that it will not rest on the defense of its sovereignty
Photo: Internet

Published at: 23/03/2024 04:47 PM

Venezuela rejected a statement issued by the government of Guyana issuing a series of inappropriate comments against the Organic Law for the Defense of Guiana Esequiba, recently approved by the National Assembly.

The text released by Foreign Minister Yván Gil, points out that the position taken by the Irfaan Ali government is an obvious act of interference in matters that only concern Venezuelans.

Below is the full statement:

The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela rejects the communiqué issued on March 22, 2024 by the Government of Guyana, where it issues improper comments on the Organic Law for the Defense of Guiana Esequiba, approved by the National Assembly of Venezuela, which is an obvious act of interference in matters that concern only Venezuelans.

Venezuela reminds Guyana that, under no circumstances, it is obliged to give explanations about the legislative processes of its institutions, our Bolivarian Constitution is very clear in declaring that national sovereignty resides exclusively with the people. The genesis of this Organic Law is based on the decision of the Venezuelan people, expressed in a constitutional and democratic manner in the consultative referendum that took place in our country on December 3, 2023.

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has informed the international community that this legal instrument seeks to defend and preserve the sovereign and unquestionable rights of Venezuela over the territory of Guiana Essequiba, always under the aegis of international law and the Geneva Agreement of 1966, the only valid instrument to resolve the territorial dispute between Venezuela and Guyana in a friendly and satisfactory manner.

Venezuela reaffirms, once again, its firmness and commitment to the dialogue process promoted in Argyle, on December 14, 2023 and ratified at the meeting of Foreign Ministers of Venezuela and Guyana held in Brasilia, on January 25, 2024; from which Guyana seems to have strayed by continuing to generate anxiety in the region, by forging alliances with military and intelligence entities such as the Southern Command and the US Central Intelligence Agency, for the benefit of the transnational ExxonMobil, continuing the illegal practice and provocative of granting oil concessions in waters that are pending to be delimited with Venezuela.

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has been, is and will continue to be a nation that guarantees peace and good international coexistence.

The Venezuelan sun rises in the Essequibo

Caracas, March 23, 2024

Mazo News Team