

Venezuela rejects fraudulent actions against CITGO by the US and the extreme right


Published at: 17/06/2024 11:39 AM

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela strongly rejects the process of dispossession of the company Citgo Petroleum Corporation (CITGO) by the United States Government in complicity with the country's extreme right.

In a statement, Executive Vice President Delcy Rodríguez indicated that “Venezuela will not recognize any type of fraudulent transaction.”

Below is the full statement:

The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela strongly rejects the process of dispossession of the company Citgo Petroleum Corporation (CITGO), which continues to be carried out by the authorities of the United States of America, under the subterfuge of a judicial procedure for the forced sale of shares clearly contrary to law.

CITGO is an important strategic asset of the Venezuelan national oil company PDVSA. Its forced sale constitutes a new episode of the multifaceted aggression being carried out by the institutions of the United States against Venezuela, with the purpose of plundering the assets that belong to them from the Venezuelan people, in open violation of the norms that govern peaceful coexistence between States and in frank agreement with the extremist factors of Venezuelan anti-politics, subservient to Washington's orders.

The Government of Venezuela and PDVSA were excluded from the judicial sale of CITGO and were prevented from defending their rights in U.S. courts. To this end, the US authorities had the complicity of the organized crime group calling itself the “National Assembly of 2015", led by Juan Guaidó, Leopoldo López, Julio Borges and the caste of the surnames of Venezuelan neofascism, who since 2019 have sought to usurp the institutions and representation of the Republic and its entities abroad.

The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela reiterates that it does not and will not recognize the forced sale of CITGO, which is carried out in flagrant disregard for the economic guarantees, due process and the right to defense guaranteed by any civilized nation.

It also confirms that it will continue to adopt all measures at its disposal to avoid the consummation of the definitive dispossession of CITGO, while reserving the exercise of shares against any company or individual that acquires the shares, facilitates the purchase or deals with the assets of CITGO, as well as against those responsible for the dispossession of this asset of great importance for the present and future of Venezuelans.

The Venezuelan people will know how to respond, in great national unity, to reject this blatant robbery of the government of the United States of America together with the criminals of Venezuelan extremism.

Venezuela will always win!

Caracas, June 17, 2024

Mazo News Team