

Venezuela rejects CARICOM's biased position on the dispute over the Essequibo

Official Communiqué of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Published at: 31/05/2024 02:55 PM

In a statement released by the Ministry of People's Power for Foreign Affairs, the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela regretted this Friday the biased position taken by the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) regarding the territorial dispute between Guiana Essequiba and the Cooperative Republic of Guyana.

Venezuela 's statements come out of a rejection of the Communiqué issued by CARICOM, “dated May 29, 2024, regarding the conclusion of the 27th Meeting of the Council on Foreign and Community Relations (COFCOR), in particular with regard to the Guyana-Venezuela Controversy, which seeks to support the malicious and distorted matrix of presenting Venezuela as an aggressor nation.”

Below is the full text of the document:

Venezuela rejects the Communiqué issued by the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) dated May 29, 2024, regarding the conclusion of the 27th Meeting of the Council on Foreign and Community Relations (COFCOR), in particular with regard to the Guyana-Venezuela Controversy, which seeks to support the malicious and distorted matrix of presenting Venezuela as an aggressor nation.

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela rejects the Communiqué issued by the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) dated May 29, 2024, regarding the conclusion of the 27th Meeting of the Council on Foreign and Community Relations (COFCOR), in particular with regard to the Guyana-Venezuela Controversy, which seeks to support the malicious and distorted matrix of presenting Venezuela as an aggressor nation.

The Government of Venezuela regrets the biased position of CARICOM and reminds this body of the continuous warmongering actions promoted by the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, as it forges alliances with military and intelligence entities such as the Southern Command and the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States of America, which not only aim at preparing an aggression against our country, but which constitute a flagrant violation of the agreements established in the Argyle Joint Declaration for Dialogue and Peace between Guyana and Venezuela, signed in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, on December 14, 2023, in which it was agreed, among other things, that both countries would not threaten each other or use force against each other.

The history of visits to Guyana by senior U.S. officials specializing in areas, both military and security and intelligence, is a trend that has deepened in recent months. During these visits, interventionist statements have been made and threats have been made against Venezuela, which is convincing evidence of the dangers that loom over the Caribbean region from the American war machine, with the consent of the Government of Guyana.

Guyana, by ceding its sovereignty to the North American power and to the voracious appetite of Exxon Mobil, unfortunately promotes regional instability, in addition to threatening the Zone of Peace that represents Latin America and the Caribbean, as established by the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC).

As has been denounced by Venezuela, Guyana unilaterally and in contravention of international law, has granted and continues to grant oil exploration licenses in maritime areas pending delimitation with Venezuela, which has constituted the greatest threat to regional security and peace.

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela urges Guyana not to stray along the lines of confrontation and to comply with the only possible path for the practical and satisfactory solution of the dispute over Guiana Essequiba, which is none other than the process of direct dialogue, established in the Geneva Agreement of 1966, the only instrument binding on both parties.

The Venezuelan sun rises in the Essequibo

Caracas, May 31, 2024

Mazo News Team