

Venezuela rejects attempts at blackmail and interference by the US against the energy industry

Official Communiqué of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Published at: 30/01/2024 02:14 PM

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela rejected on Tuesday the most recent blackmail and interference in the country's internal affairs by the Government of the United States (USA), regarding the announcement made by the State Department regarding the non-renewal of oil and gas licenses in the South American nation.

In a statement, released by Foreign Minister Yván Gil in his X account, the Bolivarian Government stated that it “ absolutely and unequivocally rejects the neocolonialist interventionism that Washington is trying to impose against an independent country that fully exercises its national sovereignty and that has the right to choose its own destiny.”

In this regard, Venezuela ratified that it “will not give in to any blackmail” and that “its institutions will continue to comply with the laws and the national Constitution, in accordance with the mandate received by the Venezuelan people.”

Below is the full text of the document:

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela repudiates the most recent attempts to blackmail and interfere in its internal affairs by the Government of the United States of America, which constitute an ultimatum against all Venezuelan society and which, through coercion and threat, seeks to impose a coup, ignore the institutions of the Republic, apply new coercive measures, and destabilize the Venezuelan economy and the well-being of its people.

Venezuela absolutely and unequivocally rejects the neocolonialist interventionism that Washington is trying to impose against an independent country that fully exercises its national sovereignty and that has the right to choose its own destiny without the constant pressure and aggression of a government complicit in the massacre and genocide in Gaza, with a bloody history of human rights violations in Our America and with a record of repression of its own indigenous population, Afro-descendant and migrant.

The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela calls for the union and mobilization of the entire Venezuelan people in defense of national sovereignty and for international solidarity to repudiate this interventionist onslaught in support of sectors of the oligarchy, with big names, linked to past calls for the imposition of illegal sanctions that affected the national, regional and global economy.

Venezuela will not give in to any blackmail. Its institutions will continue to comply with the laws and the national Constitution, in accordance with the mandate received by the Venezuelan people. Likewise, it will take all necessary measures to continue the course of economic growth and social development that it has undertaken with its own efforts, in the midst of the economic hostilities applied against its citizens.

Caracas, January 30, 2024

Mazo News Team