

Venezuela reiterates its willingness to receive the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, provided that there is impartiality

Foreign Minister of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Yván Gil

Published at: 27/02/2024 12:34 PM

The Minister of Popular Power for Foreign Affairs, Yván Gil, during his speech at the High-Level Segment of the 55th Human Rights Council, held in Geneva, reiterated Venezuela's willingness to make progress in the area of human rights and allow the return of the Office of the High Commissioner, provided that impartiality is present.

The Venezuelan Foreign Minister explained that the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights moved away from its mandate of impartiality, a fact that he described as “regrettable” and added that this body carried out “ improper actions by establishing itself as a kind of private firm of coup and terrorist groups, which forced us to suspend our activities in Venezuela until the appropriate corrections were taken.”

He also questioned the inability of the Office of the High Commissioner to respond to complaints made by the National Government of attempted coups d'etat and assassinations ; on the contrary, the Office has echoed the campaign of radical sectors that they continue to attack the institutions and the Government of Venezuela .”

Gil said that Venezuela is willing to establish a process of discussion with the Office of the High Commissioner, to bring technical cooperation to the appropriate level, without political interference or partialization.”

With regard to the visit of the Special Rapporteur on the right to food, he noted that he held “numerous meetings” with non-governmental actors, and left aside the interest of the People's Power to show “the enormous resistance effort of the Venezuelan people to guarantee, together with the Bolivarian Government, the right to food in the midst of the fierce unilateral coercive measures that we must face”.

Finally, on behalf of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, he reiterated his rejection of “the politicization and double standards promoted by very specific sectors in this worthy Council against the countries of the South, and reaffirms his full willingness to continue collaborating with a Universal System of the United Nations that is truly based on genuine dialogue and cooperation, without selectivity and in strict adherence to the principles of respect for sovereignty and non-interference in the internal affairs of States”.

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