

Venezuela reiterates its support for all initiatives that seek an end to violence

Minister of Popular Power for Foreign Affairs, Yván Gil

Published at: 27/02/2024 09:07 AM

The Minister of Popular Power for Foreign Affairs, Yván Gil, reiterated his support for all initiatives that seek an end to violence, respect for the sovereignty of peoples and progress towards a safer and more peaceful world.

During his speech at the Conference on Disarmament, held in Geneva - Switzerland, the diplomat assured that “lasting peace can only be achieved through dialogue, mutual respect and firm commitment to the principles of international law and the Charter of the United Nations”.

In this regard, on behalf of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, he reaffirmed the “firm and unwavering commitment to peace and multilateralism as fundamental pillars for the maintenance of peace and international security”.

The foreign minister condemned, from this multilateral space, “the atrocities committed by the Occupying Power (Israel), which constitute war crimes and against humanity and must not go unpunished”.

In this regard, he noted that in the Political Declaration of the Ministerial Committee of the Non-Aligned Movement on Palestine, recently adopted within the framework of the Summit of Heads of State and Government in Kampala, Uganda, Venezuela warned “of the serious and far-reaching repercussions of a further destabilization of this volatile situation, in the absence of accountability and a just solution”.

He also assured that this serious situation threatens regional and international peace and security, “we demand an immediate and complete end to systematic and violent aggression, to acts of colonization and annexation and to the policy of apartheid and human rights abuses committed by Israel against the Palestinian people, including its continued denial and violation of their right to self-determination.”

In addition, she regretted that the United States and Israel have vetoed the participation of Palestine as an observer at this Conference, “which constitutes a discredited maneuver to ignore the fact that the State of Palestine, as a member of the international community, is a State party to various international treaties, including those on disarmament, to which Israel is not a party.”

Finally, he specified that this “escalation of violence and contempt for human life not only represents a serious violation of human rights and international law, including international humanitarian law, but also exponentially increases the risk of a nuclear catastrophe, given Israel's well-known weapons and nuclear capabilities, its willingness to use it, and its non-adherence to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons”.

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