

Venezuela reaffirms its commitment to global and absolute chemical disarmament at the OPCW

Permanent Representative to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), Ambassador Héctor Constant Rosales

Published at: 17/07/2024 11:58 AM

The permanent representative to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), Ambassador Héctor Constant Rosales, reiterated the commitment of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to global and absolute chemical disarmament, within the framework of the organization's 106th session of the Executive Council, held from July 9 to 12, in the headquarters building of the OPCW, located in The Hague, Kingdom of The Netherlands.

The work of the OPCW depends on the comprehensive, effective and balanced implementation of the Convention, in accordance with the principles established in the Charter of the United Nations and based on International Law, pillar aspects of Venezuelan diplomacy that we constantly request to be respected, Constant Rosales said, during his speech at the said Executive Council.

In addition, the Venezuelan diplomat denounced the incompatibilities and security risks associated with the imposition of illegal unilateral coercive measures against Venezuela, by the United States government, due to their direct impact on the chemical protection and safety programs of the Venezuelan national industry, fundamental requirements of the Convention, reducing the effectiveness of our programs and increasing the possibility of suffering a great calamity chemistry, preventing us from acquiring the necessary equipment and technology.

On the sidelines of the celebration of the above-mentioned Executive Council, the Permanent Representation of Venezuela held a bilateral meeting with the technical delegation of the Russian Federation, with the objective of continuing talks on possible cooperation between the two countries, in the field of the Convention on Chemical Weapons.

The Executive Council of the OPCW is responsible for overseeing the activities of the organization's Technical Secretariat, as well as for promoting effective implementation and compliance with the Chemical Weapons Convention, in order to achieve a world free of chemical weapons and the threat of their use. In the same way, it has a program of international cooperation and assistance that provides States with the strengthening of their national capacities, focused on encouraging chemistry to be used for peace, progress and prosperity.

The Permanent Representation of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the OPCW, the ICC and other International Organizations and Tribunals based in the Kingdom of the Netherlands continues to work in this regard, in strict accordance with the principles established in the Bolivarian Diplomacy of Peace and strengthening the Venezuelan presence in multilateral spaces.