

Venezuela ratifies its determination to recover the Essequibo and build a future of peace

Rodríguez reiterated the call on Guyana to comply with its obligations contained in the Geneva Agreement

Published at: 17/02/2024 03:45 PM

The Executive Vice President of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez, stressed that Venezuela ratifies its determination to recover the territory of Guyana Essequiba and build a future of peace and development for both nations.

Through his account on the social network X, he stated that “The Venezuelan sun rises in the Essequibo! Today, on the 58th Anniversary of the Geneva Agreement, we reaffirm our determination to recover our territory and build a future of peace and development for both nations.”

He asserted that “we reiterate the call to the Cooperative Republic of Guyana to give due effect to its obligations contained in the Geneva Agreement of 1966 and to avoid the interference of external actors, who in no way contribute to good neighbourliness and regional peaceful coexistence.”

In the message, the Vice President of the Republic attached the communiqué issued by the Bolivarian Government, on the occasion of the 58th Anniversary of the Geneva Agreement.

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