

Venezuela ratified before the ICJ commitment to the territorial defense of the Essequibo and adherence to the Geneva Agreement

Venezuela makes a new call to the Cooperative Republic of Guyana to return to the negotiating table, said Moncada

Published at: 11/06/2024 06:24 PM

Venezuela ratified its solid commitment to defend territorial integrity and national sovereignty over Guiana Essequiba, adopted as part of the Geneva Agreement on February 17, 1966, a regulation that must be complied with by the Cooperative Republic of Guyana in accordance with international law.

The information was released by the permanent representative of Venezuela to the United Nations (UN), Samuel Moncada, in the company of the Venezuelan delegation.

In statements to the media, from the headquarters of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), in The Hague, in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, where the meeting took place, Moncada said in a statement that on December 3, 2023, the Venezuelan people gave a clear and strong mandate to defend the rights that have belonged to Venezuela over the territory of Guiana Esequiba since its inception.

He affirmed that in compliance with the guidelines of the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, the defense of historical truth will continue in all spaces.

He also highlighted that Venezuela makes a new call to the Cooperative Republic of Guyana to return to the negotiating table in the search for a practical, acceptable and satisfactory solution for both parties.

“Venezuela reiterates that the Geneva Agreement is the regulatory framework that must be complied with in good faith by the parties in accordance with international law in order to put an end to the territorial dispute through a practical, acceptable and satisfactory settlement for all parties,” the text states.

Below is the full text of the statement:

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela reports on its participation this June 11, 2024, in a meeting convened by the President of the International Court of Justice to discuss the next steps of the process unilaterally addressed by the Cooperative Republic of Guyana before this instance, in clear ignorance and violation of the Geneva Agreement and international legality.

During the above-mentioned meeting, Venezuela reiterated its historic position of not recognizing the court's jurisdiction in the territorial dispute over Guiana Essequiba, nor of the decision it may take on this matter. Therefore, its attendance at this meeting in no way implies the consent of Venezuela or recognition of that jurisdiction.

On December 3, 2023, the Venezuelan people gave a clear and forceful mandate to defend the rights that Venezuela has had over the territory of Guiana Esequiba, in compliance with this mandate and express guidance of the head of state, Venezuela has exercised and will continue to exercise the defense of historical truth in all spaces.

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela reiterates that the Geneva Agreement is the regulatory framework that must be complied with in good faith by the parties, in accordance with international law, in order to put an end to the territorial dispute through a practical, acceptable and satisfactory settlement for all parties.

Finally, Venezuela ratifies its solid commitment to defend territorial integrity and national sovereignty over Guiana Essequiba, while making a new call to the Cooperative Republic of Guyana to return to the negotiating table to implement the practical, acceptable and satisfactory settlement to both parties to which they committed themselves in the Geneva Agreement

The Venezuelan Sun rises in the Essequibo

The Hague, June 11, 2024

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