

Venezuela presents economic advances in the Trade Facilitation Committee in Geneva

Venezuela formally joined the International Trade Facilitation Agreement on June 11

Published at: 10/07/2024 05:51 PM

Venezuela is participating in the meeting of the Trade Facilitation Committee of the World Trade Organization, which takes place in Geneva, Switzerland, from this Wednesday, July 10, to next Thursday, the 11th.

The information was released by the National Superintendent of Special Economic Zones, Johann Álvarez, through his account on the social network X.

In the message, he noted that on behalf of the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro and the Executive Vice President, Delcy Rodríguez, he presented at this international trade policy meeting, Venezuela's progress in economic matters, despite the unilateral coercive measures imposed on the country.

“With the set of actions and reforms promoted by President Maduro to recover and diversify the economy, we have the possibility of placing the country in a position of greater international commercial relations that favor the people,” he added.

Venezuela formally joined the International Trade Facilitation Agreement on June 11, and its accession to the treaty could reduce foreign trade management costs by up to 14%.

The pact includes more than 120 countries from all continents and the European Union (EU) as a block. Among the members are Russia, China and the United States and among Latin Americans Mexico, Argentina and Cuba, among others.

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