Venezuela participates in the V Meeting on Population and Development in Latin America
Published at: 04/07/2024 01:36 PM
The Minister of Popular Power for Planning, Ricardo
Menéndez, addressed fundamental issues related to development and human
rights in Venezuela, during his participation in the V
Regional Conference on Population and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean, held
in the city of Cartagena de Indias, in northern Colombia, to evaluate
progress and challenges in the region.
Menéndez denounced the sanctions imposed on Venezuela as
a measure that affects the sovereign right of countries to grow
autonomously, and in his words, “human and social rights cannot be
subject to the interests of the great powers.”
He highlighted the commitment of the Bolivarian Government to its
population by actively involving more than three million people in the
construction of the Homeland Plan, through 65,000 assemblies, where diverse voices representing all races, positions and social movements
This inclusive approach ensures that decisions for social and commercial
development are aligned with the real needs of the people.
In his speech, he also emphasized the need
to establish a new institutional framework that allows efficient and
transparent management. In addition, he highlighted the importance of adapting
statistical and survey systems to obtain accurate data and improve the response to the needs
of the population. These measures are essential to chart a
path to democratic development.
Finally, the minister emphasized that the Homeland Plan
establishes the community as a unit of democratic development. This
collective vision seeks to ensure that every voice is heard and answered, and that development
plans are in tune with the aspirations of the Venezuelan people.
Mazo News Team/VTV