Venezuela is the epicenter of the fight against fascism

Published at: 08/11/2024 03:50 PM
November 4 and 5, the first World Anti-Fascist
Parliamentary Forum was held
in Caracas, with the objective of
raising voices against death, because the only way to preserve
life is to combat fascism and, as our Hugo Chávez said: “That history
judge us by the courage of our resistance.”
We must
constantly denounce that every hospital bombed, every town reduced to ashes,
every child whose life has been taken in Gaza, Ukraine and Lebanon, is the responsibility of fascism,
it is the social disease that poisons the world today.
For this forum, seven rooms were set up at the La Carlota Convention Center where participants (more than 300 legislators from 70 countries) discussed the issues and plans of action against fascism and discussed how different peoples of the world have fought against the forms of domination and aggression that manifest themselves through colonialism and extermination.
Within the discussions,
it became clear that fascism is a criminal disease, it is not just a political ideology
that has been stained with blood in its name throughout the 21st century; those who
dominate the world use it to promote the extermination of brothers and sisters.
Fascism is a criminal expression
On the first day of the forum, during
the speech of the president of the National Assembly
(AN), Jorge Rodríguez, he declared that fascism is not a particular way of
seeing the world, but rather a disease and a criminal expression of a
social illness. He highlighted the need to stop fascism in the face of the consequences it
may cause on the population.
The meeting addressed
issues such as parliamentary democracy of peace, the relationship between imperialism, fascism
and Zionism, among others associated with global dehumanizing practice.
described fascism as “one of the worst plagues that today plagues the whole of
humanity. He made a call to demand, from this meeting, the cessation of the genocide
in Palestine, which deserves to live and
deserves its territory that belongs to it by history and tradition”.
“If there were no fascism on
this planet, Netanyahu would not exist,”
added Rodríguez, who proposed
creating a permanent international forum for parliamentary meetings to address this social disease.
In the same vein, the executive
vice-president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela , Delcy Rodríguez Gómez, warned of “the perverse systematic voracity with which imperialism
is conducted against countries that defend their energy resources,
since the hegemon identifies energy sources as a resource fundamental
to domination for the war industry”.
The vice-president recalled that
“governments that are enriched by the war business are not that they need
energy as the new world conceives it for the development of Peoples, for
the construction of a future that allows people to be happy; it is the
energy for war, destruction, annihilation and violence”.
For his part, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) and Minister of People's Power for Internal Relations, Justice and Peace, Diosdado Cabello, denounced during his speech that “the genocide of the
conquest is the greatest in history and was perpetrated by the
Spanish Empire, which in addition to annihilating our Peoples, now seeks may
we thank him. Now, just as immoral is the American empire, which
supports Israel's genocide
against the people of Gaza, just as
immoral is the European Union supporting the massacre in Ukraine.”
He also explained that “it is the North American empire that is at the forefront of fascist politics in the world. If we have to condemn fascism, we have to condemn neofascism, Zionism and similar expressions; it is the Peoples who defeat fascism, they have been unable to deal with the People of Nicaragua or with the People of Cuba or with us; because this is not a problem of governments, it is a problem of the Peoples, who have remained united and have understood that the struggle for freedom is greater than private interests”.
On the other hand, the coordinator of
the deputies of the Labor Party in the Mexican
Congress, Ernesto Villarreal, stated that “the success of Venezuela's convening in the
World Anti-Fascist Parliamentary Forum is important, since it shows you what the stages are,
What are their faces and how to recognize them, it also gives you the tools
to know what are the tasks that we parliamentarians have to
face fascism”.
During an interview on the Al Aire program , broadcast by Venezolana de Televisión (VTV), Villarreal stressed that fascism is understood as “the extreme and profound part of the right, reflecting itself as a monster, has a thousand faces; just like that of Milei in Argentina, that of Bukele , that of Israel and like the one that they lived in Venezuela”.
of the World League against Fascism
This initiative was raised
from the Venezuelan Parliament with the objective of confronting fascism as a social
disease and criminal action against the women and men of the world.
In his closing speech,
the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela , Nicolás Maduro, highlighted the importance of this
League for “maintaining the cross-cutting dialogue of civilizations, cultures and peoples.
A direct people-to-people dialogue.”
Venezuelan president recalled the kidnapping of people in Africa,
highlighting the continent as the mother that represents us. Looting,
murder, extermination and genocide was colonialism in Our America, in Africa and
in Asia. He also valued the people of Vietnam and their struggle against all empires. “A lot of history can
be summed up in your spiritual strength,” he said.
Regarding our country,
President Maduro specified that “the profound
thinking of the Bolivarian Revolution is the construction of a
model that unites all of Our America and, in turn, with the struggles of the world. There is
an open debate about the resurgence of the most aggressive expressions of the
ideologies of the extreme right. Why the contempt for the Peoples and
migrants of the South? This meeting was very timely to say with a
united voice: No to fascism, no to Zionism, enough to neofascism!” , he pointed out.
This is how, despite the fact that fascism
tried to end our country with more than 900 criminal sanctions, Venezuela continues its course towards building
a model that unites the entire global South; we accompany each other in the struggles, because they
are the same, we are all the same people who only united will remain alive.
This meeting was an opportunity
to say with one voice: No to fascism, no to Zionism, enough to