

Venezuela condemns new bombings by the Zionist State of Israel against Gaza

Israel gives “continuity” to its systematic criminal and expansionist policy in Gaza, the statement said.

Published at: 06/05/2024 11:07 PM

The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela issued a statement this Monday, May 6, in which it categorically condemns the new bombings on the Gaza Strip and now on the southern city of Rafah, perpetrated by the Zionist State of Israel, despite calls for a ceasefire by the international community, and which adds to the biggest crime against humanity since the Nazi Germany campaign in the Second War Worldwide.

The statement, published by the Foreign Minister of the Republic, Yván Gil, on his account on the social network X, denounces the continuity of the Israeli regime in its systematic criminal and expansionist policy in this town, which houses more than one million four hundred thousand Palestinians who have been forcibly displaced and threatened with murder and hunger, by the war machine of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Below is the full text of the statement:

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela categorically condemns the bombings of the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, carried out by the Zionist State of Israel, giving continuity to its systematic criminal and expansionist policy in this town, which houses more than one million four hundred thousand forcibly displaced Palestinians.

This illegal action in violation of international law contributes to increasing the number of innocent victims and causing greater destabilization in the region and in the biggest crime against humanity since the Nazi campaign in the Second World War.

Venezuela, consistent with its unrestricted support for the Palestinian Cause and its just demand for its existence and sovereignty, expresses its absolute solidarity with its People and Government extended to the families of the victims and wishes for the speedy recovery of the injured and injured.

The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela reaffirms to the brotherly Palestinian people its commitment to the attainment of their inalienable rights over the territory that historically belongs to them and the struggle for their full independence and self-determination.

We urge the international community to exercise all necessary pressure measures for the restoration of international legality and justice in the area, avoiding an escalation of the conflict caused by Israeli genocidal barbarism in Palestine.

The People and Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela seize this opportunity to reaffirm respect for the right of the brother Palestinian people to live in peace, within their legitimate borders.

Caracas, May 6, 2024

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