

Venezuela condemns “irresponsible” authorization from Guyana to the presence of the Southern Command in the Essequibo

Official Communiqué of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Published at: 06/12/2023 09:28 AM

The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela condemned this Wednesday the statements of the president of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, Irfaan Ai, for his “irresponsible authorization” to the presence of the United States Southern Command in Esequiba Guiana, after the overwhelming victory of “yes” in the consultative referendum last Sunday, December 3.

In a statement, released on social networks by Foreign Minister Yván Gil, the Bolivarian Government denounced to the International Community “the reckless attitude of Guyana, which, acting under the mandate of the American transnational Exxon Mobil, is opening up the possibility of installing military bases to an imperial power, threatening the Zone of Peace that has been outlined in this region”.

Below is the full text of the document:

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela condemns the recent statements of President Irfaan Ali, who has irresponsibly given the green light to the presence of the United States Southern Command in the territory of Guiana Esequiba, over which Guyana maintains a de facto occupation and a territorial dispute with Venezuela, which is called to be resolved through the Geneva Agreement of 1966, the only legal instrument valid between the parties.

Venezuela denounces to the International Community, and especially to the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), the reckless attitude of Guyana, which, acting under the mandate of the American transnational company Exxon Mobil, is opening up the possibility of installing military bases to an imperial power, threatening the Zone of Peace that has been outlined in this region.

The Cooperative Republic of Guyana recklessly attacks international law, carrying out actions that aggravate the territorial dispute and that add to its illegal conduct of granting oil exploitation rights to Exxon Mobil over a sea pending delimitation with Venezuela.

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, faithful to its doctrine of Bolivarian Diplomacy of Peace, urges the government of Guyana to desist from its erratic, threatening and risky behavior and to return to the path of direct dialogue, through the Geneva Agreement.

Caracas, December 6, 2023

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