

Venezuela celebrates the release and return of diplomat Alex Saab to the country (+statement)

Press release from Venezuela
Internet photo

Published at: 20/12/2023 03:14 PM

This Wednesday, December 20, through a statement, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela expressed its joy at the release and return to the country of diplomat Alex Saab, who was illegally detained in the United States for more than 3 years.

“The people welcome him with pride after having suffered three and a half years of illegal detention under cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, violating their human rights and the Vienna Convention that confers diplomatic immunity,” highlights part of the statement shared by the Vice President of Communication, Culture and Tourism, Freddy Ñáñez, on the social network X.

The text also highlights that the release of the diplomat is a symbol of victory for Bolivarian Peace Diplomacy. In addition, they recognize “his wife, children and family members, who accompanied him at all times in the complaint and in the hope for his release”.

“Today, the link of this injustice is broken, forcing us to reaffirm once again all of Venezuela's unanimous demand for a definitive, immediate and unconditional end to the criminal blockade that the United States Government imposes against all the Venezuelan people,” they confirm in the text.

Below is the full statement:

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