

Venezuela and Russia ratified their brotherhood and cooperativity

“The contributions that Russia has given to humanity are inspired by caring for the human being,” Rodríguez said.

Published at: 11/06/2024 10:29 PM

During the celebration of Russia Day, the Executive Vice President of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez, accompanied by the Russian ambassador, Sergey Mélik-Bagdasárov, fraternally greeted the Eurasian giant after 79 years of close ties of cooperation and brotherhood.

“The contributions that Russia has given to humanity, in the aerospace, aeronautical fields, vaccines to combat COVID-19, are contributions that are inspired by caring for the human being,” he emphasized.

Rodríguez said that “I want to thank you in the name of the People of Venezuela and President Maduro, we will never get tired because the first safe, reliable vaccines that arrived in our country were Russian”, in publications published by the Executive Vice Presidency of the Republic, in his account on the social network X.

It also welcomed the signing of cooperation agreements between Russia and Venezuela. “Until last year alone, we had 340 signed agreements and another very important one has been signed, to share information on unilateral coercive measures, not only to share experiences, but also the mechanisms to overcome them,” he said.

“Our fruitful relations, since the arrival of Commander Chávez, have yielded very concrete results in different areas, such as scientific, financial, economic, energy, military, cooperation and brotherhood between our countries,” he said.

For his part, Ambassador Mélik-Bagdasárov, said that “Russia and Venezuela are at the forefront of international efforts to reinforce multipolar principles and the legal and truly democratic bases of international relations”

“We will continue to work actively on the United Nations platform, including within the framework of the group of friends in defense of the UN Charter created at the initiative of Venezuela,” he said.

In this regard, he maintained that relations between his country and Venezuela are based on solid alliances. “We are united by ties of close strategic cooperation based on the closeness of positions relating to the key problems of the global agenda and on the implementation of joint projects,” he said.

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