

Venezuela and Nigeria strengthen energy cooperation ties

Nicolás Maduro, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Presidential Press

Published at: 11/06/2024 09:30 PM

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, held a meeting with the delegation of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, headed by Prince Arthur Eze and executive director of the company Atlas Oranto Petroleum.

The meeting is part of the deepening of business alliances at the international level, in addition to strengthening the cooperation map in the energy area between Abuja and Caracas.

Earlier, Prince Arthur Eze met with the People's Power Minister for Petroleum, Pedro Tellechea, where in addition to evaluating issues related to the oil industry, they addressed investment opportunities in Venezuela's energy sector.

The bilateral dialogue, precisely, emerges an exploratory agenda for investments in oil and gas, says the state oil company Petrleos de Venezuela (PDVSA).

The meeting was attended by Alex Saab, president of the International Center for Productive Investment of Venezuela (CIIP), who has been developing an investment plan as part of the Seven Transformations (7Q) to consolidate a new productive economic model not dependent on oil revenues.

The Nigerian delegation also includes geologist John Ebubechukwu.

Atlas Oranto Petroleum is the largest private company in the Federal Republic of Nigeria in the oil and gas sector, with international participation in Equatorial Guinea, Namibia and Senegal.

Relations between Venezuela and Nigeria were established in 1965, which has allowed agreements to be signed in different areas such as strategic, cultural and energy technical cooperation.

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