

Venezuela and Cuba signed a Memorandum of Understanding for Educational and Scientific Collaboration

The activity was carried out within the framework of the 14th University Congress 2024, in Havana, Cuba

Published at: 08/02/2024 07:22 PM

Venezuela and Cuba signed the Memorandum of Understanding for Educational and Scientific Collaboration, between the Venezuelan Ministry of Popular Power for University Education and the Ministry of Higher Education of the island.

The activity was carried out within the framework of the 14th University Congress 2024, in Havana, Cuba, said the Embassy of Venezuela in Cuba, through its account on the social network.

During the signing, the Minister of Popular Power for University Education, Sandra Oblitas, was accompanied by the Venezuelan ambassador to Cuba, Orlando Maneiro.

In her account on the aforementioned social network, Maneiro said that “we accompanied the Minister of the PP for University Education, Sandra Oblitas, to a meeting she held with the Minister of Higher Education of Cuba, Walter Baluja, with the purpose of strengthening ties of cooperation and mutual development.”

In addition, the Ministry of Popular Power for University Education, in its account on the social network X, attached the link and invited “to see the participation of our minister @sandraoblitasr in the Forum of Ministers and Authorities of Higher Education of the 14th University Congress 2024”.

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