

Venezuela and Cuba sign training agreement for prosecutors of the Public Prosecutor's Office

Tarek William Saab, Attorney General of the Republic
Photo: Internet

Published at: 30/05/2024 12:49 PM

The Attorney General's Offices of Venezuela and Cuba signed a cooperation agreement, which will remain in force until 2026, to materialize joint exchange actions for the formation of prosecutors from both countries.

This agreement contemplates the joint execution of specializations and master's degrees between the national school of the Attorney General's Office of Cuba and the National School of Prosecutors of the Public Ministry of Venezuela.

During the signing of the agreement, the owner of the criminal case in Venezuela showed his Cuban counterpart, Jamila Peña Ojeda, all the work that his office does to guarantee access to justice and respect for human rights in the country.

In this regard, he mentioned the programs “The Public Ministry goes to your community” and “Public Ministry I attend to your complaint in your Parish”, which are spearheads for the attention of the entire population.

“These are unprecedented programs that have allowed the care of more than 50,000 people,” said Saab.

For her part, the Cuban official thanked her for the reception she has received in our country, while highlighting the cooperation that exists between the two nations.

In the same way, he stressed that, both in Venezuela and in Cuba, the work done by prosecutors has as its fundamental basis respect for the rights of individuals.

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