

Venezuela and Barbados sign Memorandum of Understanding on tourism

The signing of this instrument between national tourism agencies is part of the process of deepening binational cooperation.

Published at: 29/05/2024 06:40 PM

The Deputy Minister for International Tourism of the Ministry of Popular Power for Tourism and president of Venezolana de Turismo (Venetur), Leticia Gómez, and the director for Latin America of the Barbados Tourism Marketing Office (BTMI), Corey Garrett, signed a Memorandum of Understanding this Wednesday in the spaces of the “Antonio José de Sucre” Yellow House, in Caracas.

The ceremony was attended by the Barbadian ambassador accredited to Venezuela, Aquinas Clarke, and authorities from the aforementioned ministry and the Office of the Deputy Minister for the Caribbean of the Ministry of People's Power for Foreign Affairs.

Deputy Minister Gómez stated that the instrument covers extensive joint promotion tasks, such as mutual familiarization visits (famtrips), B2B workshops and destination marketing events aimed at travel agencies and tourist media.

The director for Latin America of BTMI, Corey Garrett, commented that the influence of the aviation sector on tourism will also be explored, in order to promote a broad model of tourist strength and the increase in travelers.

The signing of this instrument between national tourism agencies is part of the process of deepening cooperation and bilateral relations between Venezuela and Barbados, based on the Joint Declaration signed by the Prime Minister, Mia Mottley, and the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, in July 2023.