

Venezuela advances in the search for new alliances in Tourism

XXVII International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg
VTV photo

Published at: 07/06/2024 02:19 PM

Through the social network X, the Minister of Popular Power for Tourism, Ali Ernesto Padrón, reported that Venezuela is making progress in the search for new alliances in the tourism sector at the XXVII International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg, Russia.

In that regard, he stressed that the consolidation of these alliances are part of the strategies for the country's economic growth, and the construction of a world without unilateral coercive measures.

“That is the world that is being built and our president, Nicolás Maduro, is leading it, with the creation of a multipolar and pluricentric world, so great efforts are being made from St. Petersburg, as well as in the People's Republic of China and in the Islamic Republic of Iran,” he said.

He also indicated that he accompanied the sectoral vice-president of economy, José Félix Rivas, at the Russia-Latin America Business Dialogue, “where he highlighted the advances we have made in the economy, with tourism being one of the main elements for continuing the country's growth.”

The main topic of the forum is “The basis of a multipolar world. Forming new growth points”, and there are representatives of 139 countries, politicians from more than 45 nations and the presidents of Bolivia, Zimbabwe, Serbia, the Prime Minister of the Central African Republic and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary, Venezuelan Television review.

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