

As a result of the sanctions, PDVSA's cumulative production loss would be around 3,995 million barrels

Published at: 27/05/2024 08:00 PM

Since 2014, the people of Venezuela have been victims of Unilateral Coercive Measures (MCU) by the North American empire, in complicity with the country's extreme right.

In total, 930 MCUs have been imposed on the country, which has generated economic losses:

  • • The blockade has reduced national foreign exchange income by 90% since 2015.

  • The blockade has prevented the import of more than 300,000 tons of food and medicine.

  • * The impact of the sanctions imposed against Venezuela translates into a cumulative loss of between $245 billion and $350 billion, a devastating economic hemorrhage.
  • As a result of the sanctions, PDVSA's cumulative production loss would amount to around 3,995 million barrels.
  • From 766 direct sanctions or unilateral coercive measures against our country, it is clear that 441 have been dictated by the United States, which means that 6 out of 10 have been issued from Washington.
  • * In November 2017, some 23 financial transactions from Venezuela, aimed at the purchase of food and medicines, were returned by international banks because of sanctions imposed by the United States.


In this regard, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, explained that before the MCU, Venezuela was heading towards being a small great power or a small power economically and socially, with a model other than capitalism, proposed by Commander Hugo Chávez and suddenly imperialism decided, together with its lackeys, to attack our country”, emphasized this Monday, during a press conference held by the National Directorate of the PSUV.

Thanks to the policies promoted by the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, there has been a progressive recovery since 2022.

Venezuela has been gaining ground in the construction of a new economic system, we have slowed down inflation with a view to a projected one this year, the lowest in 14 years, below 60%,” he said this Sunday during a live broadcast on the social network Tiktok.

Despite the blockade

  • Agricultural production has increased by 75% in the last five years.

  • The Great Venezuela Housing Mission (GMVV) has delivered more than 4 million decent homes to Venezuelan families.

  • The economy stabilizes with controlled inflation and a currency that recovers its value, we demonstrate our capacity to overcome.

100% supply and local production that covers 95% of food needs.

“What has happened in recent years? That this town has been able to rise up working with political guidelines generated by the National Government that have made it possible to stabilize the dollar, has promoted jobs, new industries with entrepreneurs,” said Cabello.

In this sense, for Cabello, the first vice-president of the revolutionary awning compared this economic revival with the events of April 2002, in which Venezuelans took the reins of democracy and who today “are lifting themselves from blockades and sanctions and that generates a base of extraordinary strength (...) we have risen without oil revenues, that is a great strength”.

In the face of the presidential elections of July 28, the United States Government has intensified the MCU because popular victory is imminent; the People understood their anti-imperialist mission to defend Bolivarian Socialism, which is the path traced by Commander Hugo Chávez; while the lackeys and their masters from the north have not learned that Venezuela is destined to win despite the sanctions.

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