

US bombings against Iraqi militias leave 16 dead

The information was confirmed by the local operations command of the Popular Mobilization Forces.

Published at: 03/02/2024 09:51 AM

A total of 16 dead and 25 injured, among the members of the 13th Al Tafuf Brigade of the popular militia, were the result of the bombing by the United States (USA) against the Iraqi province of Anbar, located in the west of the country, an action that contradicts the supposed intentions of the North American country to withdraw its troops.

The information was confirmed by the local operations command of the Popular Mobilization Forces, who highlight that the US attacks aimed at their positions in the governorate.

According to the spokesman for the Iraqi Government, Bassem al Awadi, there was no previous coordination between Baghdad and Washington regarding the attacks against the Anbar governorate, which he described as an “aggression against the sovereignty of Iraq”, RT cites on its website.

He added that, in addition to leaving victims, the North American bombings caused damage to residential buildings and citizen properties.

Al Awadi denounced that “the US side deliberately falsified the facts by announcing that there was prior coordination to commit this aggression, which is a false statement aimed at deceiving international public opinion”, stressing that the US sought to dissociate itself from legal responsibility for its “crime”, which does not authorize any international laws.

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