

UNESCO approved the Draft Decision to Improve the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities

The approval of this Draft Decision in the Executive Council represents a historic moment

Published at: 28/03/2024 07:58 PM

At the 219th session of the Executive Council of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the Draft Decision to Improve the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities was approved in all of the agency's programs.

The topic was item 32 on the agenda of Tuesday, March 26, at the Joint PX/FA Commission, where it was opened at the request of the Permanent Delegation of Cuba, in its capacity as a member of the Executive Council, the Ministry of People's Power for Foreign Affairs reported in a press release published on its website.

He points out that Venezuela, from its position as an observer, advocated earlier among the members of the Executive Council that the issue be open to debate and have the space it historically deserves.

This position was supported by Cuba in the voice of its permanent delegate, Ambassador Yahima Esquivel, who, after opening the debate, noted that “it is striking that when we search the annals of the organization, activities aimed at this topic do not stand out. We can see in other issues, such as literacy, where UNESCO has played a leading role. This one is not like that. This is a niche where the organization can play a leadership role within the United Nations, an issue where it calls us to true multilateralism, of being all together and moving forward to a position.”

During the debate, the transversality with which the topic must be addressed to achieve the full inclusion of people with disabilities in their diversity in education, science, culture and communication, as well as the unique role that UNESCO plays in the United Nations System to advance beyond the 2030 Agenda, including more than 60 Member States co-sponsored the Draft Decision, obtaining new support in the classroom, after the inclusion, through amendments from Cuba, elements additional ones promoted by Venezuela, which ensure the viability and strengthening of the policy proposal for the Organization.

In his speech, Venezuela stated: “All these things tell one that it is worth fighting, persevering and opening the way to a new society of equals, of dignity, that every human being is given decent respect and if there is a person with a special condition, to give him more dignity and love”, quoting the words of President Nicolás Maduro Moros, when enacting the Comprehensive Care Act for People with Autism Spectrum Disorders.

He also stated that “a year ago this Permanent Delegation began to fight, to persevere and wills were added, so that today we are more than 60 countries that open the way to a new society of equals, where we begin by understanding that it is not people with disabilities in their diversity who must adapt to the world that we want to impose on them, but that it is we who must discover true humanity in its diversity”.

The approval of this Draft Decision in the Executive Council represents a historic moment in the struggle of 1.3 billion people around the world, as it has raised the debate to a new level in which the Member States of this Organization must ratify their commitment to be able to advance the full inclusion of the rights of persons with disabilities in their diversity in all areas of competence of the multilateral agency.

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