

Undersecretary of Mexico: We are grateful for the legacy left to us by the Liberator Simon Bolivar

Undersecretary for Latin America and the Caribbean of Mexico, Laura Elena Carrill
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Published at: 17/03/2024 11:39 AM

This Sunday, March 17, the Undersecretary for Latin America and the Caribbean of Mexico, Laura Elena Carrillo, reaffirmed that the thought and legacy of our Father of the Fatherland, Simon Bolivar, continues to be an example for the Mexican people.

“It is a significant day because we commemorate one of the greatest heroes who has ever lived in Latin America, the congress declared him a solemn citizen of the Republic of Mexico and we commemorate this date because his ideals are valid today in 2024, because we are grateful for the legacy he left us with his life and example, just as the heroes of our sister nations have done,” said Carrillo.

In this regard, after the Floral Offering for the Bicentennial, the Designation of Simon Bolivar as a Mexican Citizen, he emphasized that those ideals left by the Father of the Fatherland are those necessary to complete the transformation towards a new world order.

“And so we can approach the utopia of justice and freedom (...) we can help everyone to know how to live in joy, in solidarity, in harmony, with passion and with love; we are first-class citizens in our beloved America, there are no second-class citizens and just because we were born here, because we work here, we all have the right to live with quality, but above all with dignity,” he said.

He thus highlighted the courage and solidarity of the people of Venezuela and Mexico, who, like good sons of Bolivar, have always had as an example those virtues that unite us today.

For this reason, he ratified the commitment that Bolívar left us. “We will never leave a single Latin American - Caribbean behind, to consolidate a united, equitable, strong, just and sovereign Latin America, it's not just a dream you left us, it's the attainable reality, day by day that we will wake up every morning with the conviction that following your example and working hand in hand to build the present and the future that we all deserve here,” he said.

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