

UBV students present innovative productive projects in communication

The students presented their experiences in the communication interaction process
UBV Press

Published at: 30/05/2024 07:53 PM

Students of the Social Communication Degree Training Program (PFG), of the Cacique Guaicaipura Axis of the Bolivarian University of Venezuela (UBV), in Caracas, presented their innovative socio-productive proposals during the 2024 Project Socialization Fair, as a requirement to apply, in the coming months, for the title of TSU in Social Communication.

The activity was carried out in the Lobby of the university's main headquarters, located in Los Chaguaramos, and was chaired by Ana María Hernández, National Coordinator of the PFG of Social Communication; Lizmary Liendo, Regional Coordinator of the PFG of Social Communication in the Cacique Guaicaipura Axis; the president of the jury, Professor Miriam Ledezma; and professors Orlando Righettini, Ana Arreaza and Gilberto Escala.

During his speech, Mireglis Martínez said that “all the projects presented are part of the high awareness that teachers have forged from university classrooms, to our students and future communication professionals, in the co-responsibility and commitment that we have with our country and the world, of what it means to be journalists, an arduous profession of social communication, and perhaps one of the noblest professions, since we are the voice of those who have no voice, and that through our work we are advisors of behaviors”.

The projects were presented during the 2024 Project Socialization Fair, as a preamble to what will be the VI National Convention on Free Social Communication and Information Technology (COMSOTIL), which will take place next June.

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