

Tupamaro and MEP registered the candidacy of President Nicolás Maduro

President Nicolás Maduro's candidacy has the support of more than a dozen political organizations
Photo: Internet

Published at: 24/03/2024 03:37 PM

The political awnings Tupamaros and the People's Electoral Movement (MEP) presented, this Sunday, to the National Electoral Council, the candidacy of Nicolás Maduro for re-election to the presidency of the Republic.

During the activity, the person authorized to apply for Tupamaro stressed that these actions demonstrate, once again, that in the country there is a participatory and leading democracy where power is exercised by the people.

“The people are on the streets strengthening this process, the participation of the people in these electoral processes is very strong and good,” he said while congratulating the efficiency and transparency of our electoral system.

For his part, the one authorized by the MEP indicated that his nomination for the candidacy of Nicolás Maduro is an act of “coherence and conviction” because, in our opinion, he is the only guarantee of the continuity of the revolutionary process.

He also praised the CNE's efforts to guarantee democracy in recent years in Venezuela.

“We have the best electoral system in the world. Review and auditing processes have already taken place, we have an armored process, so those who have no political project to present have nothing left but to sing fraud,” he said.

With these nominations, the number of revolutionary political organizations that support the presidential candidacy of Nicolás Maduro brings to 12.

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