

TSJ creates the Coordination for Indigenous Peoples (+Guayana Esequiba)

Supreme Court of Justice
Photo: Courtesy

Published at: 14/12/2023 11:34 AM

The Full Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) created the Coordination of the Judiciary for Indigenous Peoples.

Among its functions, it will have to prepare plans, programs and projects in order to achieve the objective of Coordination; to monitor the functioning of the special indigenous jurisdiction and its interrelation with ordinary jurisdiction; to design and implement information and educational campaigns on the scope of the Constitutional foundations, the legislation linked to the special indigenous jurisdiction, among others.
In addition, the magistrates of the Supreme Court created and launched the Special Unit for Indigenous Affairs of Guiana Essequiba, within the structure of the Coordination of the Judiciary for Indigenous Peoples.

The purpose of this unit is to carry out functions of coordinating the special indigenous jurisdiction in Guiana Esequiba with the ordinary jurisdiction, as appropriate, in accordance with the Constitution and the law; as well as to attend to and propose solutions to judicial matters that are linked to indigenous peoples who live there, to optimize the guarantee of their rights.

The Coordination of the Judiciary for Indigenous Peoples is in charge of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Gladys María Gutiérrez Alvarado, who will also head the Special Unit for Indigenous Affairs of Guiana Esequiba.

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