

Try damage control! Learn about La Sayo's new plans before Edmundo leaves

María ConIra uses all the necessary tools to put pressure on Edmundo González's daughter

Published at: 11/09/2024 11:31 PM

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Maracaibo, Santa Lucia sector, diagonal to Pa' Que Luis, in the white house with the red bars that has a Chávez banner and a mushy notice that says WE WON WITH MADURO.
Patriota Patricio the Maracucho
What was Diosdado? How are you my dear brother? Look cousin, before you start throwing all the atomic bombs at you, you have to admit that I was one of the first to inform you that Edmundo González, alias “Chespirito” planned to leave and leave the fight to María Corina, alias “La Sayo”. I also told you that things between La Sayo and Chespirito were not right, so Chespirito was disconnecting himself from the issue of false electoral records and decided at the last minute to send his lawyer to meet with the Attorney General to recognize State institutions and to get rid of María Corina. Brother, anyway, if you want to reward me for all the good work I'm doing, you can do it by sending me to buy 20 potato and cheese cupcakes that are sold at Pastelitos Pipo on October 18 in Maracaibo, with a very cold one and a half liter of malt, with that we were paid cousin.

Diosdado, do you remember that I had told you that La Sayo asked me to return to Caracas to accompany her because she felt more alone than the Witch of 71 and besides, she distrusts Delsa Solorzano and Juan Pablo Guanipa because La Sayo discovered those two pussies, they are riding a comb waiting for her to fall and take the opposition leadership? Well brother, I ran out and came to Caracas and I haven't taken off from La Sayo even to go to the bathroom to relieve myself, but brother I have to tell you something that's sadder than listening to Ricardo Montaner's songs after he became a politician.

Cousin! , I was there on Saturday night when María Corina found out from my vice-president Delcy's Instagram that Inmundo González had agreed to leave the country and was on his way to Spain. Primo, when La Sayo found out about this, she stuck her phone against the wall, it began to transform into the joke of the exorcist movie, she started to scream, foam came out of her mouth and screamed that she had been betrayed. Brother, La Sayo began to cry in front of me and told me that Inmundo's farewell letter was a backstab. Cousin! I didn't know what to do at the time, I didn't know whether to eat the fried pork I had left from lunch, whether to laugh or cry with her.

They immediately started calling her from everywhere, the gringos, the Martians, everyone to ask La Sayo what had happened to Edmundo? , and really cousin that the joke didn't have the slightest idea, even I, who am not a faggot, felt betrayed.

Diosdado, after Chespirito published his farewell letter, immediately Magalí Meda, who is more insane than ever, ordered, from her den in the Argentine embassy, an attack on social networks against Edmundo González and in defense of María Corina, her cousin! They gave this man more stick than a bagpipe drum on December 24, until someone from the United States called them and told them not to be so brutal, that they could not destroy Edmundo González because he was the missing link, that is to say cousin, that Edmundo was all they had left and rather they had to think about rescuing him.

But that wasn't all brother, the next day María Corina posted a video on her social networks saying that Inmundo González left the country to be sworn in as president in exile on January 10, 2025, so La Sayo tried to do damage control, but the damage had already been done because people know that Edmundo was leaving all those people that they themselves had sent to protest helpless.

Brother! , just so you know, I myself heard La Sayo talking to Magalí on the phone today, and I heard La Sayo clearly when she told Magal to use all the necessary tools to pressure Edmundo's daughter, who is in Madrid, María Corina said that she knew that Edmundo's daughter was a careerist and that she needs copper, so she said she asked Magali to make the offer to her in exchange for convincing Edmundo that he has to be sworn in as president. Cousin! , but what María Corina doesn't know is that with Chespirito living in Spain, Leopoldo López and Antonio Ledezma are already developing their own plans to control him, that is, cousin, Chespirito threw La Sayo away here in Venezuela to fall into the clutches of serial scammers Leopoldo López and Antonio Ledezma, poor sir! Don't hit one.

Goddess! , another story is that La Sayo is clear that there is no way to take power here in Venezuela, but her immediate interest in taking the self-oath is to wrest control of assets abroad, mainly from CITGO, and to take them away from Leopoldo López, alias “The Prince of Salamanca”, and the entire AN2015 cabal.

Cousin! , watch this show because if it weren't for them seeking to end the lives of innocents, I would even laugh. It turns out that our patriots who cooperate in Voluntad Popular, inform us that Leopoldo López is fighting with María Corina for control of the new scam plan called @ YacasiVenezuela, which is being promoted by the mercenary Erick Prince. Brother! , it turns out that Leopoldo and María Corina know that whoever puts the money for the supposed “liberation of Venezuela” will be the one who takes power, which is why María Corina sent Gustavo Lainett, Leopoldo's profile in the project “Almost Venezuela”, to be shot down on social networks, now it's time to see how Lainett and his band will defend themselves.

Goddess! , YacasiVenezuela is going to use it to collect economic resources with which they will pay for the alleged military invasion against Venezuela, but rest assured cousin because some people from Popular Will tell me that this is a vulgar scam that they are setting up so that they have some copper left as they did with the Cucuta concert and the supposed humanitarian aid. Cousin! The truth is I am not afraid because knowing you by voice, I know that you already have all the security agencies active to have a welcome committee in case these crazy people think of carrying out a new adventure such as the failed operation Gideon.

Brother as a voice you always tell me to be aware of what is happening with the opposition in Zulia, I have some information about Juan Pablo Guanipa who is crazier than the mosquitoes in the house when his mother turns on the Plagatox for them.

Cousin! So that you know that in the office of the mayor's office of Maracaibo I have a cooperating patriot who informs me everything that Mayor Rafael Ramírez, alias “El Negro Ramírez”, is involved in. It turns out that the mayor of Maracaibo is more concerned than a pig in December because of the appointment of the new Comptroller of Maracaibo, who has just learned that all the funding received by Juan Pablo Guanipa, alias “Tequeño Crudo”, to conspire against the peace of the country and against State institutions comes out of the mayor's office. Cousin! , my cooperating patriot says that the contribution that the Maracaibo mayor's office gives to Juan Pablo Guanipa is 50,000 dollars a week in cash so that you can brush it with Colgate cream.

Well brother I have to leave you because in a few minutes I have to enter a meeting with La Sayo on SIGNAL, which by the way, María Corina has just formed a verguero in the group because the call they made yesterday in front of the Spanish Congress was more dented than a political rally called by Andrés Velásquez, alias “Drone Pilot”, and today's call to protest at the headquarters of the Embassy of Brazil in La Castellana, she was more alone than I left her after Edmundo fled, but be careful that La Sayo told me that she had given 10 thousand dollars to a girl called Sairam Rivas and to Jesús Armas.

Primo what I love you is dick, I love you more than Chinese rice, with plenty of shrimp, with a service of lumpia gizzards, with sweet and sour chicken, with a mixed chop suey and a cardboard jar with lemon, and if I fail, some tequeyoyos with tartar sauce. For dessert, a strawberry cake with chocolate syrup.

You take care of me my dear brother.