

TRUJILLO - VALERA/President Maduro: Just as Sheinbaum won in Mexico, we must win in Venezuela; by beating!

“That is the perfect victory that we have to seek,” said the head of state

Published at: 04/06/2024 08:05 PM

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, stressed that the recent electoral triumph in Mexico in which Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, was elected as the new President of the Aztec country, “was an overwhelming, overwhelming and peaceful victory.”

“That's the perfect victory that we have to look for,” he said.

In Valera, in the state of Trujillo, where he participated in a surprise meeting with the Trujillo people, the head of state commented that social networks in Mexico carried out a survey every day in which they said “the right wing wins, that López Obrador loses, that President Claudia loses”.

He added that “at 10:30 on Sunday night, when all the serious polls said that they were winning by beating President Claudia, the right came out to declare that they were winning, that there was going to be fraud, but they couldn't cheat Mexico, because they won with 30 points by the hole of difference.”

For this reason, he reiterated that just as the left won in Mexico, “we have to win in Venezuela by beating.”

He reported that this Tuesday, June 4th, he spoke on the phone with the newly elected president Claudia Sheinbaum, “she told me to convey to the People of Venezuela her love and all her solidarity and support.”

“We had a very nice, friendly, close conversation with the new President of Mexico, at about 1:00 in the afternoon, before leaving for Trujillo,” he said.

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