

TRUJILLO - VALERA/Jorge Rodríguez: We decree a war to the death against fascism and extremism

March in support of President Nicolás Maduro in the state of Trujillo
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Published at: 09/05/2024 01:11 PM

The president of the National Assembly
and member of the national leadership of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Jorge Rodríguez, declared this Thursday the war to the death against fascism, together with the town of Velera in the state of Trujillo.

“Along these paths of freedom and peace, the greatest man to have given birth in the history of this continent, our Liberator Simon Bolivar, issued an all-out decree of war, a decree of war against Spanish imperialism, a decree of war to the death against those who oppressed Venezuelan land from this very land, from Valera, together with the leader of victories Nicolás Maduro, we are going to decree war against fascism and extremism,” Rodríguez said.

During a massive mobilization in the state, in support of President Maduro and in rejection of the economic blockade, the leader of the red awning pointed out that in the 80 days left until the presidential elections, “there is no small thing at stake, we are risking our freedom, we are risking independence, we are playing for ourselves because after we defeated the guarimba, the violence, the blockade, the criminal sanctions, because they re-impose sanctions, blockade, guarimbas and violence, war and death,” he reiterated.

He pointed out that the right wing and imperialism could not and will not be able to, so he urged them to observe the strength of the People in the street in defense of their sovereignty and the Bolivarian Revolution.

“Come, lackeys, lackeys, slaves, slaves (...) They are slaves, they are automatons, they are robots under the command of imperialism. What do they want? What is your plan? We already know, we are clear about it, they want to find a way to give them our wealth, which is our women and men, which is our independence, our sovereignty that cost us years and years of fighting for freedom, they want to give it to their gringo masters on a silver platter,” he lashed out.

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